December 30, 2013


bending and compressing

This large scale hanging light was Joel's christmas present to his folks this year. It was born out of a lot of fun experimenting and has spawned a healthy obsession with light building catalogs.

And of course we are discussing what custom lighting we'll build for our house.

December 23, 2013

November 22, 2013


A part of each of us turned 4 today. It feels like a lot to celebrate. 

November 19, 2013


gold leaves and a winter sunset cityscape from our fire escape

I can't help but wonder what I will miss. Miss about living in a city, miss about living so close to others, miss about being able to walk to shops, coffee or anything really. In my worst moments I can so freely list off the things I won't miss but I know those memories will fade away. And what will remain? Our photographs, the stories we tell. Even our friendships will change, "will they visit?" we wonder. 

August 6, 2013


We dowsed this morning with our good friend Dorothy for water, for the placement of our new house, for permission. With the sun shining and both girls on your backs, we both felt as if it was all coming together.